Article 1
Act on the Utilization of Teleservices
(Teleservices Act - Teledienstegesetz TDG)
§ 1: Purpose of the Act
The purpose of this Act is to establish uniform economic conditions
for the various applications of electronic information and communication
§ 2: Scope
(1) The following provisions shall apply to all electronic information
and communication services which are designed for the individual
use of combinable data such as characters, images or sounds and
are based on transmission by means of telecommunication (teleservices).
(2) Teleservices within the meaning of § 2 (1) shall include
in particular:
- services offered in the field of individual communication
(e.g. telebanking, data exchange),
- services offered for information or communication unless the
emphasis is on editorial arrangement to form public opinion (data
services providing e.g. traffic, weather, environmental and stock
exchange data, the dissemination of information on goods and services),
- services providing access to the Internet or other networks,
- services offering access to telegames,
- goods and services offered and listed in electronically accessible
data bases with interactive access and the possibility for direct
(3) § 2 (1) shall apply irrespective of whether the use of
the teleservices is free of charge either wholly or partially.
(4) This Act shall not apply to
- telecommunications services and the commercial provision of
telecommunications services under § 3 of the Telecommunications
Act of 25 July 1996 (Telekommunikationsgesetz , Federal
Law Gazette BGBl. I, page 1120),
- broadcasting as defined in § 2 of the Interstate Agreement
on Broadcasting (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag),
- content provided by distribution and on-demand services if
the emphasis is an editorial arrangement to form public opinion
pursuant to § 2 of the Interstate Agreement on Media
Services (Mediendienste-Staatsvertrag) signed between 20
January and 7 February 1997.
(5) Legal provisions concerning press law remain unaffected.
§ 3: Definitions
For the purposes of this Act
- the term "providers" means natural or legal persons
or associations of persons who make available either their own
or third-party teleservices or who provide access to the use of
- the term "users" means natural or legal persons
or associations of persons requesting teleservices.
§ 4: Freedom of access
Within the scope of the law, teleservices shall not be subject
to licensing or registration.
§ 5: Responsibility
(1) Providers shall be responsible in accordance with general
laws for their own content, which they make available for use.
(2) Providers shall not be responsible for any third-party content
which they make available for use unless they have knowledge of
such content and are technically able and can reasonably be expected
to block the use of such content.
(3) Providers shall not be responsible for any third-party content
to which they only provide access. The automatic and temporary
storage of third-party content due to user request shall be considered
as providing access.
(4) The obligations in accordance with general laws to block the
use of illegal content shall remain unaffected if the provider
obtains knowledge of such content while complying with telecommunications
secrecy under § 85 of the Telecommunications Act (Telekommunikationsgesetz)
and if blocking is technically feasible and can reasonably be
§ 6: Identification of providers
Concerning commercial offers, providers shall indicate:
- their name and address as well as,
- in case of associations and groups of persons, the name and
address of their authorized representative.
§ 1: Scope
(1) The following provisions shall apply to the protection of
personal data used in teleservices within the meaning of the Teleservices
(2) Unless otherwise provided in this Act, the relevant provisions
concerning the protection of personal data shall be applicable
even if the data are not processed or used in data files.
§ 2: Definitions
For the purposes of this Act
- the term "providers" means natural or legal persons
or associations of persons who make available teleservices or
who provide access to the use of teleservices,
- the term "users" means natural or legal persons
or associations of persons requesting teleservices.
§ 3: Principles for the processing of personal
(1) Personal data may be collected, processed and used by providers
for performing teleservices only if permitted by this Act or some
other regulation or if the user has given his consent.
(2) The provider may use the data collected for performing teleservices
for other purposes only if permitted by this Act or some other
regulation or if the user has given his consent.
(3) The provider shall not make the rendering of teleservices
conditional upon the consent of the user to the effect that his
data may be processed or used for other purposes if other access
to these teleservices is not or not reasonably provided to the
(4) The design and selection of technical devices to be used for
teleservices shall be oriented to the goal of collecting, processing
and using either no personal data at all or as few data as possible.
(5) The user shall be informed about the type, scope, place and
purposes of collection, processing and use of his personal data.
In case of automated processing, which permits subsequent identification
of the user and which prepares the collection, processing or use
of personal data, the user shall be informed prior to the beginning
of the procedure. The content of such information shall be accessible
to the user at any time. The user may waive such information.
A record shall be made of the information and the waiver. The
waiver shall not constitute consent within the meaning of §
3 (1) and (2).
(6) Before giving his consent, the user shall be informed about
his right to withdraw his consent at any time with effect for
the future. Sentence 3 of § 3 (5) shall apply mutatis mutandis.
(7) Consent can also be declared electronically if the provider
ensures that
- such consent can be given only through an unambigious and
deliberate act by the user,
- consent cannot be modified without detection,
- the creator can be identified,
- the consent is recorded and
- the text of the consent can be obtained by the user on request
at any time.
§ 4: Obligations of the provider
(1) The provider shall offer the user anonymous use and payment
of teleservices or use and payment under a pseudonym to the extent
technically feasible and reasonable. The user shall be informed
about these options.
(2) The provider shall take technical and organizational precautions
to ensure that
- the user can break off his connection with the provider at
any time,
- the personal data generated in connection with the process
of requesting, accessing or otherwise using teleservices are erased
immediately upon conclusion of the procedure unless further storage
is required for accounting purposes,
- the user is protected against third parties obtaining knowledge
of his use of teleservices,
- personal data relating to the use of several teleservices
by one user are processed separately; a combination of such data
is not permitted unless it is necessary for accounting purposes.
(3) The user shall be notified of any reforwarding to another
(4) User profiles are permissible under the condition that pseudonyms
are used. Profiles retrievable under pseudonyms shall not be combined
with data relating to the bearer of the pseudonym.
§ 5: Contractual data
(1) The provider may collect, process and use the personal data
of a user to the extent necessary the data are required for concluding
with him a contract on the use of teleservices and for determining
or modifying the terms of such contract (contractual data).
(2) Processing and use of contractual data for the purpose of
advising, advertising, market research or for the demand-oriented
design of the teleservices is only permissible if the user has
given his explicit consent.
§ 6: Utilization and accounting data
(1) The provider may collect, process and use personal data concerning
the use of teleservices only to the extent necessary
- to enable the user to utilize teleservices (utilization data)
- to charge the user for the use of teleservices (accounting
(2) The provider shall erase
- utilization data as soon as possible, at the latest immediately
after the end of each utilization, except those that are at the
same time accounting data,
- accounting data as soon as they are no longer required for
accounting purposes; user-related accounting data stored by the
provider for the establishment of detailed records concerning
the use of particular services at the user's request in accordance
with § 6 (4) below, shall be erased not later than 80 days
from the date of dispatching the detailed records unless the request
for payment is disputed within this period or the invoice has
not been paid despite a demand for payment.
(3) Utilization or accounting data shall not be transmitted to
other providers or third parties. This shall not affect the powers
of criminal prosecution agencies. The provider offering access
to the use of teleservices must not transmit to other providers
whose teleservices have been used by the user any data other than
- anonymised utilization data for the purposes of their market
- accounting data to the extent necessary for collecting a claim.
(4) If the provider has concluded a contract with a third party
concerning the provision of accounting services, he may transmit
to the third party accounting data necessary for rendering such
services. The third party shall be obligated to comply with telecommunications
(5) The invoice concerning the use of teleservices must not reveal
the provider, time, duration, type, content and frequency of use
of any particular teleservices used unless the user requests such
detailed records.
§ 7: User's right to information
The user shall be entitled at any time to inspect, free of charge,
stored data concerning his person or his pseudonym at the provider's.
The information shall be given electronically if so requested
by the user. If data are stored only for a short period in accordance
with § 33 (2) Nr. 5 of the Federal Data Protection Act [Bundesdatenschutzgesetz],
the user's right to information shall not be excluded by §
34 (4) of the Federal Data Protection Act.
§ 8: Control
(1) § 38 of the Federal Data Protection Act shall be applicable
with the proviso that an examination may be carried out even if
there are no grounds to suppose that data protection provisions
have been violated.
(2) The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection shall observe
the development of data protection as applied to the provision
and utilization of teleservices and shall make relevant comments
in the activity report he has to submit pursuant to § 26
(1) of the Federal Data Protection Act.
The notification requirements in Council Directive 83/189/EEC of 28 March 1983
laying down a procedure for the provision of information
in the field of technical standards and regulations (OJ No L 109, p 8),
last amended by Directive 94/10/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 March 1994 (OJ No L 100, p 30)
have been duly observed.
§ 1: Legislative Purpose and Scope
(1) The purpose of this Act is to establish general conditions
under which digital signatures are deemed secure and forgeries
of digital signatures or manipulation of signed data can be reliably
(2) The application of other digital signature procedures is optional
insofar as digital signatures according to this Act are not required
by legal provisions.
§ 2: Definitions
(1) For the purposes of this Act "digital signature"
shall mean a seal affixed to digital data which is generated by
a private signature key and establishes the owner of the signature
key and the integrity of the data with the help of an associated
public key provided with a signature key certificate of a certification
authority or the authority according to §3 of this Act.
(2) For the purposes of this Act "certification authority"
shall mean a natural or legal person who certifies the assignment
of public signature keys to natural persons and to this end holds
a licence pursuant to § 4 of this Act.
(3) For the purposes of this Act "certificate" shall
mean a digital certificate bearing a digital signature and pertaining
to the assignment of a public signature key to a natural person
(signature key certificate) or a separate digital certificate
containing further information and clearly referring to a specific
signature key certificate (attribute certificate).
(4) For the purposes of this Act "time stamp" shall
mean a digital declaration bearing a digital signature and issued
by a certification authority confirming that specific digital
data were presented to it at a particular point in time.
§ 3: Competent Authority
The granting of licences, the issue of certificates used for the
signing of certificates, and the monitoring of compliance with
this Act and with the ordinance having the force of law pursuant
to §16 are incumbent on the authority according to §66
of the Telecommunications Act.
§ 4: Licensing of Certification Authorities
(1) The operation of a certification authority shall require a
licence from the competent authority. A licence shall be granted
upon application.
(2) A licence shall be denied when facts warrant the assumption
that the applicant does not possess the reliability necessary
to operate a certification authority, when the applicant does
not furnish proof of the specialised knowledge required to operate
a certification authority or when there is reason to believe that,
upon starting operation, the other requirements pertaining to
the operation of the certification authority as set out in this
Act and in the ordinance having the force of law pursuant to §16
will not be met.
(3) Whosoever as operator of a certification authority guarantees
compliance with the legal provisions applicable to the operation
of such an authority shall be deemed to possess the necessary
reliability. The required specialised knowledge shall be deemed
available when the persons engaged in the operation of the certification
authority have the necessary knowledge, experience and skills.
The other requirements pertaining to the operation of the certification
authority shall be deemed met when the competent authority has
been notified in a timely manner by means of a security concept
of the measures ensuring compliance with the security requirements
in this Act and the ordinance having the force of law pursuant
to §16 and their implementation has been checked and confirmed
by a body recognised by the competent authority.
(4) Collateral clauses may be attached to a licence where necessary
to ensure compliance by the certification authority with the requirements
in this Act and in the ordinance having the force of law pursuant
to §16 upon starting operation and thereafter.
(5) The competent authority shall issue the certificates for the
signature keys used for affixing signatures to certificates. The
provisions applicable to the issue of certificates by certification
authorities shall apply accordingly to the competent authority.
The competent authority shall keep the certificates which it has
issued available for verification and retrieval at all times and
for everyone over publicly available telecommunication links.
This shall also apply to information concerning addresses and
call numbers of certification authorities, invalidation of certificates
issued by the competent authority, cessation and prohibition of
the operation of a certification authority as well as withdrawal
or revocation of licences.
(6) Any public services rendered in accordance with this Act and
the ordinance having the force of law pursuant to §16 shall
be subject to costs (fees and expenses).
§ 5: Issue of Certificates
(1) The certification authority shall reliably establish the identity
of persons applying for a certificate. It shall confirm the assignment
of a public signature key to an identified person by a signature
key certificate which, together with any attribute certificates,
shall be kept available for verification and, with the consent
of the owner of the signature key, for retrieval at all times
and for everyone over publicly available telecommunication links.
(2) At an applicant's request the certification authority shall
include in the signature key certificate or an attribute certificate
information relating to his authority to represent a third party
and to his professional admission to practice or other type of
admission insofar as reliable proof is furnished of the consent
by the third party to the inclusion of the authority of representation
or of the admission.
(3) At an applicant's request the certification authority shall
indicate a pseudonym instead of the applicant's name in the certificate.
(4) The certification authority shall take measures to prevent
undetected forgery or manipulation of the data intended for certificates.
It shall also take measures to ensure confidentiality of private
signature keys. Storage of private signature keys by the certification
authority shall not be permitted.
(5) The certification authority shall engage reliable staff for
the exercise of certification activities. For the provision of
signature keys and the issue of certificates it shall use technical
components as set out in § 14. This shall also apply to technical
components enabling verification of certificates according to
§ 5 (1) sentence 2 above.
§ 6: Notification Requirement
The certification authority shall notify applicants according
to § 5(1) of the measures necessary to support secure digital
signatures and their reliable verification. It shall notify applicants
of the technical components meeting the requirements of §
14(1) and (2) and of the assignment of digital signatures generated
by a private signature key. It shall advise applicants that data
bearing a digital signature may need to be signed again before
the security of the existing signature decreases with time.
§ 7: Content of Certificates
(1) The signature key certificate shall contain the following
- name of the owner of the signature key to which additional
information must be appended in the event of possible confusion,
or a distinctive pseudonym assigned to the owner of the signature
key, clearly marked as such,
- public signature key assigned,
- names of the algorithms with which the public key of the owner
of the signature key and the public key of the certification authority
can be used,
- serial number of the certificate,
- beginning and end of the validity period of the certificate,
- name of the certification authority, and
- an indication as to whether use of the signature key is restricted
in type or scope to specific applications.
(2) Information relating to the authority to represent a third
party and to the professional admission to practice or other type
of admission may be included both in the signature key certificate
and in an attribute certificate.
(3) Further information shall not be included in the signature
key certificate unless the parties concerned give their consent.
§ 8: Invalidation of Certificates
(1) The certification authority shall invalidate a certificate
when the owner of a signature key or his representative so requests,
when the certificate was obtained through false statements in
respect of §7, when the certification authority ceases operation
and its activity is not continued by another certification authority
or when invalidation is ordered by the competent authority pursuant
to §13(5) sentence 2. The invalidation shall indicate the
time at which it enters into effect. Retrospective invalidation
shall not be permitted.
(2) Where a certificate contains third party information, this
party may also request invalidation of the certificate.
(3) The competent authority shall invalidate certificates which
it has issued according to §4(5) when a certification authority
ceases operation or its licence is withdrawn or revoked.
§ 9: Time Stamp
Upon request the certification authority shall affix a time stamp
to digital data. § 5 (5) sentences 1 and 2 shall apply mutatis
§ 10: Documentation
The certification authority shall document the security measures
for compliance with this Act and the ordinance having the force
of law pursuant to §16 and the certificates issued in a manner
such that the data and their integrity can be verified at all
§ 11: Cessation of Operation
(1) Upon cessation of operation the certification authority shall
notify the competent authority accordingly at the earliest possible
time and shall ensure that the certificates valid at the time
of cessation of operation are taken over by another certification
authority or invalidated.
(2) It shall forward the documentation according to §10 to
the certification authority taking over the certificates or otherwise
to the competent authority.
(3) It shall notify the competent authority without undue delay
of a bankruptcy petition or petition for institution of composition
§ 12: Data Protection
(1) The certification authority may only collect personal data
directly from the party concerned and only insofar as they are
required for the purposes of a certificate. Collection of data
from third parties shall be permitted only with the consent of
the party concerned. The data may only be used for purposes other
than those given in sentence 1 if this is permitted within the
framework of this Act or another legal provision or if the party
concerned has given its consent.
(2) Where the owner of a signature key uses a pseudonym, the certification
authority shall be obliged to communicate, upon request, to the
competent bodies any data pertaining to his identity which is
required for the prosecution of criminal or administrative offences,
for averting danger to public safety or order or for the discharge
of statutory duties by the Federal and State authorities for the
protection of the Constitution, the Federal Intelligence Service
[Bundesnachrichtendienst], the Military Counter-Intelligence
Service [Militärischer Abschirmdienst] or the Customs
Criminological Office [Zollkriminalamt]. Such disclosures
shall be documented. The requesting authority shall inform the
owner of the signature key about disclosure of the pseudonym as
soon as this no longer interferes with the discharge of its statutory
duties or if there is an overriding interest of the owner of the
signature key in being given such information.
(3) § 38 of the Federal Data Protection Act shall apply subject
to the proviso that verification may also be carried out when
there is no indication of a violation of data protection provisions.
§ 13: Control and Enforcement of Obligations
(1) The competent authority may take measures vis-à-vis
certification authorities to ensure compliance with this Act and
the ordinance having the force of law. In particular, it may prohibit
use of unsuitable technical components and may temporarily prohibit
the operation of the certification authority wholly or in part.
Parties who appear to have a licence according to §4 without
this being the case may be prohibited from carrying out their
certification activity.
(2) For purposes of monitoring according to (1) sentence 1 above
certification authorities shall allow the competent authority
to enter the production sites and business premises during normal
business hours, shall upon request make available for inspection
any relevant books, records, supporting documents, papers and
any other documentation, shall disclose information and provide
all necessary support. Whosoever is obliged to provide information
may refuse to answer questions which would render himself or a
person related by blood affinity as specified in §383 (1)
Nr. 1 to 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure liable to prosecution
or proceedings under the Administrative Offences Act. Any person
obliged to answer inquiries shall be advised of this right.
(3) In the event of non-fulfillment of obligations arising under
this Act or the ordinance having the force of law or in the event
of a reason for denial of a licence the competent authority shall
revoke the licence granted when measures according to § 13
(1) sentence 2 above are unlikely to be successful.
(4) In the event of withdrawal or revocation of a licence or cessation
of operation of a certification authority the competent authority
shall ensure transfer of the activity to another certification
authority or winding up of the contracts with the owners of signature
keys. This shall also apply when a bankruptcy petition or a petition
for institution of composition proceedings is filed and the licensed
activity is discontinued.
(5) The validity of the certificates issued by a certification
authority shall remain unaffected by the withdrawal or revocation
of a licence. The competent authority may order the invalidation
of certificates when facts warrant the assumption that certificates
have been forged or are not adequately protected against forgery
or when technical components used for the signature keys reveal
security flaws enabling digital signatures to be forged or signed
data to be manipulated without detection.
§ 14: Technical Components
(1) Technical components with safeguards are required for the
generation and storage of signature keys and for the generation
and verification of digital signatures which reliably reveal forged
digital signatures and manipulated signed data and provide protection
against unauthorised use of private signature keys.
(2) Technical components with safeguards are required for the
presentation of data to be signed which clearly indicate in advance
the generation of a digital signature and enable identification
of the data to which the digital signature applies. Technical
components with safeguards are required for the verification of
signed data which allow the integrity of the signed data, the
data to which the digital signature applies and the owner of the
signature key to whom the digital signature belongs to be established.
(3) Technical components enabling signature key certificates to
be kept available for verification or retrieval in accordance
with §5(1) sentence 2 require safeguards to protect the lists
of certificates against unauthorised alteration and retrieval.
(4) Technical components according to § 14 (1) to (3) above
shall be adequately tested against current engineering standards
and their compliance with requirements confirmed by a body recognised
by the competent authority.
(5) Technical components lawfully manufactured or placed on the
market in accordance with regulations or requirements in force
in another Member State of the European Union or in another State
party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area which ensure
the same level of security shall be assumed to fulfil the technical
security requirements according to § 14 (1) to (3) above.
In a given justified instance and at the request of the competent
authority proof shall be furnished of compliance with the requirements
according to sentence 1 above. Insofar as presentation of a confirmation
by a body recognised by the competent authority is required as
evidence of compliance with the technical security requirements
within the meaning of § 14 (1) to (3) above, confirmations
by bodies licensed in other Member States of the European Union
or other States parties to the Agreement on the European Economic
Area shall also be accepted if the technical requirements, tests
and test procedures on which the test reports of these bodies
are based are deemed equivalent to those of the bodies recognised
by the competent authority.
§ 15: Certificates Issued by Other Countries
(1) Digital signatures capable of being verified by a public signature
key certified in another Member State of the European Union or
in another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic
Area shall be deemed equivalent to digital signatures under this
Act insofar as they show the same level of security.
(2) Paragraph (1) above shall also apply to other states insofar
as relevant supranational or intergovernmental agreements have
been concluded.
§ 16: Ordinance Having the Force of Law
The Federal Government shall be empowered to issue, by ordinance
having the force of law, the legal provisions required for implementation
of §§ 3 to 15 with respect to
- further details of the procedure pertaining to the granting,
withdrawal and revocation of a licence and the procedure upon
cessation of the operation of a certification authority,
- chargeable services according to §4(6) and the level
of the fee,
- further details of the obligations of certification authorities,
- validity periods of signature key certificates,
- further details of the control over certification authorities,
- detailed requirements applicable to technical components,
their testing, and confirmation of compliance with the requirements,
- the period after which a new digital signature should be affixed
and the associated procedure.
The Penal Code as promulgated on 10 March 1987 (Federal Law Gazette
BGBl. I, page 945, 1160) last amended by BGBl
is amended as follows:
- § 11 (3) of the Penal Code is amended to read as follows:
"(3) Sound and visual recordings, data storage devices, illustrations
and other representations shall be equivalent to writings in those
provisions which refer to this subsection."
- § 74 d is amended as follows:
a) § 74 d (3) is amended by inserting the reference "(§
11 subsec.3)" following the word "writings".
b) § 74 d (4) is amended by replacing the words "when
at least part" by the words "when a writing (§
11subsec. 3) or at least part of such writing".
- § 86 (1) is amended by inserting the words "or provides
public access to such material through data storage devices"
following the word "exports".
- § 184 is amended as follows:
a) § 184 (4) is amended by inserting the words "or realistic"
following the word "real".
b) § 184 (5) sentence 1 is amended by inserting the words
"or realistic" following the word
The Administrative Offences Act as promulgated on 19 February
1987 (Federal Law Gazette BGBl. I p. 602), last amended by ........(BGBl
.....) is amended as follows:
- § 116 (1); § 120 (1) Nr. 2 and § 123 (2) sentence
1 are amended by inserting in each case a comma and the words
"data storage devices" following the words "visual
- § 119 is amended as follows:
a) § 119 (1) Nr.2 is amended by inserting the words "or
by providing public access to data storage devices" following
the word "representations".
b) § 119 (3) is amended by inserting a comma and the words
"data storage devices" following the words "visual
The Law on the Dissemination of Publications Morally Harmful to
Youth as promulgated on 12 July 1985 (Federal Law Gazette BGBl.
I, page 1502) last amended by (BGBl)
is amended as follows:
- The title of the Law is amended to read as follows:
"Law on the Dissemination of Publications and Other Media
Morally Harmful to Youth"
- § 1 (3) is amended to read as follows:
"(3) Sound and visual recordings, data storage devices, illustrations
and other representations shall be equivalent to writings. Writings
as defined by this Act do not include radio programmes pursuant
to § 2 of the Interstate Agreement on Broadcasting or
content provided by distribution and on-demand services if the
emphasis is on editorial arrangement to form public opinion pursuant
to § 2 of the Interstate Agreement on Media Services
signed between 20 January and 7 February 1997".
- § 3 is amended to read as follows:
a) At the end of § 3 (1) Nr. 3 the full stop is replaced
by a comma, and the following number 4 is added:
"4. are disseminated, made available or otherwise made accessible
by means of electronic information and communication services."
b) At the end of § 3 (2), the following sentence is added:
"§ 3 (1) Nr. 4 shall not apply if technical measures
have been taken to ensure that the offer or dissemination within
Germany is restricted to users of legal age."
- § 5 (3) is amended to read as follows:
"(3) § 5 (2) shall not apply
1. if the act is performed in the course of commercial transactions
with the relevant trade or
2. if dissemination to or exposure of children or minors is excluded
by technical or other means."
- After § 7, the following § 7a is added:
"§ 7a: Youth Protection Commissioners
Whoever makes available, on a commercial basis, electronic information
and communication services which are based on transmission by
means of telecommunication, shall appoint a commissioner responsible
for the protection of minors, if such services are generally available
and might include content morally harmful to youth. The commissioner
shall be the contact for users and shall advise providers concerning
questions relating to the protection of minors. The commissioner
shall be consulted by providers in planning their services and
in formulating their general terms and conditions of use. The
commissioner may suggest to the provider that services offered
be restricted. The provider may also meet his obligation under
the first sentence by obligating a self-regulation organization
to take over the duties under sentences 2 through 4 above."
- The following number 3a is added following § 21 (1) Nr.
3 of § 21 (1):
"3a. disseminates, makes available or otherwise makes accessible
such material in violation of § 3 (1) Nr. 4,"
- § 18 is amended to read as follows:
"(1) A writing is subject to the restrictions contained in
§ 3 to § 5 even if it has not been included in the list
and published provided that its content is wholly or significantly
identical with that of a writing in the list. The same applies
where there is a final judgment by a court that a writing is pornographic
or that its content falls within § 130 (2) or § 131
of the Penal Code.
(2) In cases where there is doubt as to whether the preconditions
of subsection (1) have been fulfilled, the president shall bring
about a decision by the Federal Examining Board. No application
(§ 11 (2) sent. 1) is necessary. § 12 applies mutatis
(3) Where a writing is included in the list, § 19 applies
mutatis mutandis."
- § 18 is deleted.
- § 2 is amended as follows:
a) The former text shall be designated as subsection 1.
b) A new subsection 2 is inserted:
"(2) Where inclusion in the list is obviously out of the
question, the president
may discontinue proceedings".
- § 21 a (1) is amended to read as follows:
"(1) An administrative offence shall be deemed to be committed
by any person who
1. contrary to § 4 (2) sentence 2 fails to draw a user's
attention to restrictions on
distribution, or
2. contrary to § 7 a (1) sentence 1 fails to appoint a youth
protection commissioner or
fails to obligate a self-regulation organization to take over
such duties."
The Copyright Act dated 9 September 1965 (Federal
Law Gazette [BGBl.] Part I, p. 1273), last amended by Art. 5 of
the Act of 19 July 1996 (BGBl. Part I, p. 1014) shall be amended
as follows:
§ 4 shall be worded as follows:
"§ 4: Collections and Database Works
(1) Collections of works, data or other
independent elements which, by reason of the selection or arrangement
of the elements, constitute a personal intellectual creation (collections)
shall enjoy protection as independent works without prejudice
to a copyright or neighbouring right existing in the elements
included in the collection.
(2) Within the meaning of this Act a
database work is a collection arranged in a systematic or methodical
way, the elements of which are individually accessible either
by electronic or by other means. A computer program (§ 69
a) used to create the database work or to render its elements
accessible does not constitute a component of the database work."
§ 23 second sentence shall be amended as follows:
a) The word "or" appearing
after the word "arts" shall be replaced by a comma.
b) The words "or of the adaption
or other transformation of a database work" shall be inserted
after the word "architecture".
§ 53 shall be amended as follows:
a) The following subsection 5 shall be inserted after subsection 4:
"Subsection 1 as well as subsection 2 (2) to (4)
shall not apply to database works the elements of which are
individually accessible by electronic means. Subsection 2 (1)
shall apply to such database works on condition that the scientific
use does not serve commercial purposes."
b) The former subsections 5 and 6 shall
become subsections 6 and 7.
The following § 55a shall be inserted after § 55:
"§ 55a: Use of a Database Work
Adaption or other transformation and the reproduction
of a database work by the owner of a copy of the data base work,
having been put into circulation with the consent of the creator
by way of sale, by a person in other ways entitled to use the
copy of the database work or by anyone to whom a database work
has been made accessible on the basis of a contract with the creator
or with a third party who has the former's consent, shall be permissible
if and to the extent that the adaptation or other transformation
or reproduction is necessary for access to the elements of the database
work and for its usual use. If, on the basis of a contract described
in sentence 1, only a part of the database work is made accessible,
it shall only be permissible to adapt or otherwise transform and
to reproduce this part. Any contractual provisions to the
contrary shall be null and void."
§ 63 subsection 1 (1) shall be amended as follows:
a) The following sentence 2 shall be
inserted after sentence 1 in § 63 subsection 1:
"The same shall apply to the reproduction of a database work
in the cases outlined in § 53 subsection 2 (1) and subsection 3 (1)."
b) The former sentences 2 and 3 shall become sentences 3 and 4.
The following chapter shall be inserted after
§ 87:
"Chapter Six
Protection of the Maker of a Database
§ 87a: Definitions
(1) A database within the meaning of this Act is
a collection of works, data or other independent elements arranged
in a systematic or methodical way the elements of which are individually
accessible either by electronic or by other means, and the obtaining,
verification or presentation of which requires a qualitatively
or quantitatively substantial investment. A database the contents
of which has been changed in a way that is qualitatively or quantitatively
substantial is deemed a new database provided that the change
entails a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial investment.
(2) The maker of a database within the meaning of
this Act is the one who has made the investment defined in subsection 1.
§ 87b: Rights of the Maker of the Database
(1) The maker of the database has the exclusive right
to reproduce, to distribute and to communicate to the public the
whole data base or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial
part thereof. The repeated or systematical reproduction, distribution
or communication to the public of qualitatively and quantitatively
insubstantial parts of the database shall be deemed as equivalent
to the reproduction, distribution or communication of a qualitatively
or quantitatively substantial part of the database provided that
these acts conflict with a normal exploitation of the database
or unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the maker
of the database.
(2) § 17 subsection 2 and § 27 subsections
2 and 3 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
§ 87c: Limitations on the Rights of the Maker of a Database
(1) The reproduction of a qualitatively or quantitatively
substantial part of a database shall be permissible:
1. for private use; this shall not apply to a database
the elements of which are individually accessible by electronic
2. for the purposes of personal scientific use, if
and to the extent that the copying for this purpose is necessary
and the scientific use does not serve commercial purposes;
3. for personal use in teaching, in non-commercial
institutions of education and further education and in vocational
training in a quantity required for one school class.
In the cases outlined in numbers 2 and 3, the source
must be clearly acknowledged.
(2) The reproduction, distribution and communication
to the public of a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial
part of a database shall be permissible for use in proceedings
before a court, an arbitration tribunal or a public authority
as well as for purposes of public security.
§ 87d: Term of Protection
The rights of the creator of a database shall expire
fifteen years after the publication of the database, and fifteen
years after the making of the database if it has not been published
within that period of time. The period of time shall be calculated
in accordance with § 69.
§ 87e: Contracts Dealing with the Use of a Database
A contractual agreement according to which the owner
of a copy of the database, having been put into circulation with
the consent of the maker of the database by way of sale, or the
person in other ways entitled to use the copy of the database
or anyone to whom a database has been made accessible on the basis
of a contract with the maker of the database or with a third party
who has the former's consent, obligates himself vis-à-vis
the maker of the database to refrain from reproducing, distributing
or communicating to the public qualitatively and quantitatively
insubstantial parts of the database, shall be invalid to the extent
that these acts do not conflict with the normal exploitation of the
database nor unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of
the maker of the database."
The following number shall be inserted after § 108 subsection 1 (7):
"8. uses a database in breach of § 87b subsection 1."
In § 119 subsection 3 after the word "photographs",
the word "and" shall be replaced by a comma and the
words "and the databases protected according to § 87b
subsection 1" shall be inserted after the word "phonogram".
The following § 127 a shall be inserted after § 127:
"§ 127a: Protection of the Creator of a Database
(1) The protection granted by § 87 b shall be
available to German citizens and to legal entities with a registered
office located in the territory in which this Act applies. §
120 subsection 2 shall apply.
(2) Legal entities without a registered office in
the territory in which this Act applies but which have been established
according to German law or according to the law of one of the
states listed in § 120 subsection 2 (2) shall enjoy the protection
granted by § 87b if:
1. their central administration or principal place
of business is geographically located in one of the states listed
in § 120 subsection 2 (2); or
2. their registered office, as defined by the articles
of association, is located in one of these states and their activities
have a de facto connection with the German economy or to the
economy of one of these states.
(3) In the remaining cases, foreign citizens and
legal entities shall enjoy the protection granted by the provisions
of international agreements and the protection of agreements entered
into between the European Community and third party states; these
agreements are published by the Federal Ministry of Justice in
the Bundesgesetzblatt [Federal Law Gazette]."
The following § 137g shall be inserted after § 137f:
"§ 137g: Transitional Regulation in implementing Directive 96/9/EC
(1) § 23 second sentence, § 53 subsection
5, § 55a and § 63 subsection 1 second sentence shall
also apply to database works created prior to 1 January 1998.
(2) The provisions contained in Chapter Six of Part
II shall also apply to databases created between 1 January 1983
and 31 December 1997. The term of protection in such
cases shall commence on 1 January 1998.
(3) § 55a and § 87e shall not apply to
contracts concluded before 1 January 1998."
The following sentence is added to § 1 of the Price Indication
Act dated 3 December 1984 (Federal Law Gazette (BGBI.) Part I,
p. 1429):
"In the case of services to be provided in the field of electronic
information and communications services, also regulations regarding
information on the price level of on-going services may be issued."
The Price Indication Ordinance dated 14 March 1985 (Federal
Law Gazette (BGBI.) Part I, p. 580), last amended by ....
(BGBI.) ....) is amended as follows:
- The following sentences are added to subsection 1 of § 3:
"The screen of a monitor shall also be deemed to be a place
of the offer to provide a service. If a service is provided by
display on a monitor and charged per unit, separate display of
the price to be paid for the on-going use of such service shall
be offered free of charge."
- Number 2 of subsection 2 of § 8 is amended to read as
"2. of the first, second or fourth sentence of subsection
1 of § 3, or subsection 2, in each case also in conjunction
with subsection 5 of § 2 regarding the erection, affixing
or provision of price lists or regarding the offer to display
the price."
Those parts of the Price Indication Ordinance which are based
on Article 8 of this Act can be amended through a legal ordinance
on the basis of the empowerment contained in § 1 of the Price
Indication Act.
This Act shall enter into force on 1 August 1997 with the exception
of Article 7, which shall enter into force on 1 January 1998.
Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, 1997